2.5.6 - released 2023-05-24

View the release on GitHub


  • BC Warning: Installers and InstallationManager::getInstallPath will now return null instead of an empty string for metapackages' paths. This may have adverse effects on plugin code using this expecting always a string but it is unlikely (#11455)
  • Fixed metapackages showing their install path as the root package's path instead of empty (#11455)
  • Fixed lock file verification on install to deal better with replace/provide (#11475)
  • Fixed lock file having a more recent modification time than the vendor dir when require guesses the constraint after resolution (#11405)
  • Fixed numeric default branches with a v prefix being treated as non-numeric ones and receiving an alias like e.g. dev-main would (e51d755a08)
  • Fixed binary proxies not being transparent when included by another PHP process and returning a value (#11454)
  • Fixed support for plugin classes being marked as readonly (#11404)
  • Fixed getmypid being required as it is not always available (#11401)
  • Fixed authentication issue when downloading several files from private Bitbucket in parallel (#11464)